Flexible rates for every budget
Full-Time Rates
5 days per week | Maximum of 10 hours per day (Meals and Snacks Included)
Infants $275 / week
Toddlers $225 / week
Preschool $215 / week
Pre-K $205 / week
Notes: Weekly clients must be scheduled and there are no refunds if children are absent on scheduled days or sick days.
Part-Time Rates
3 days per week | Maximum of 10 hours per day (Meals and Snacks Included)
Infants $215 / week
Toddlers $205 / week
Preschool $190 / week
Pre-K $180 / week
Notes: Weekly clients must be scheduled and there are no refunds if children are absent on scheduled days or sick days.
Drop-in Child Care Rates
Drop-in Center Fees:
- Non-Refundable Annual Registration is $65 or $85 for a family of two or more.
- Non-Refundable 6-month Registration is $35 for 1 student, and $45 for a family of two or more.
Payment can be made by Cash, Visa, Discover, and Master card.
Hourly Rates
1st Child $13.00 / hour
2nd Child $8.50 / hour
3rd Child $6.50 / hour
Toddler $14.50 / hour
Non-potty trained
Infants $17.50 / hour
Note: Youngest child rate is applied first.
*Fees calculated to the minute after a one-hour minimum charge!
Breakfast $2
Lunch & Dinner $2
Milk $1
White or Chocolate
Juice $1
100% Fruit Juice
Snack $1
Fruit Cups $1
Diapers $0.50